
Introducing the New Standard - BS 8599-1:2019

18th Jan 2019

Following the introduction of BS 8599-1 Workplace First Aid Kits (2011) and BS 8599-2 Vehicle First Aid Kits (2014), as part of a constant improvement process, the BHTA undertook a review of these standards. A working group was tasked with this review, and were also asked to make recommendations for any proposed changes to the standard. This group first met in May 2015 and the new standard is scheduled for launch in Jan 2019, the previous standard will be phased out over the next 6 to 12 months.

Over the last 22 years the first aid industry has complied with the guidelines as set out in the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations Approved Code of Practice 1981. This document outlined a range of advice to employers for the provision of first aid within the workplace.

The requirement of the contents of a first aid kit has continually evolved and this has been recognised by the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) who has worked, analysed and developed a solution that is fit for purpose in today’s workplace environment.

What is changing?

The British Standards Institute (BSi) have updated the contents of the following kits to meet the new standard:

+ Workplace First Aid Kits

+ Vehicle First Aid Kits

The BSi have also introduced two new kits:

+ Personal Issue First Aid Kit

+Critical Injury Pack

How will this affect you?

The new standard will come into effect in January 2019, these kits will become the ‘BS 8599-1:2019’ Compliant First Aid Kits for workplaces in the UK. We recommend that the new BS 8599 kits are introduced and the old kits are phased out over the next 6 to 12 months.

If you are a stockist, we recommend that the new BS 8599 kits are introduced to your catalogues, website and your marketing collateral. Contact the customer services team to receive our external marketing pack.